I have sometimes said, “God would rather die than live without us.”  That is true, but I think that it is a deeper truth (more accurate) to say that God would rather die than see us live without Him. That is, God, who is completely other-focused, was primarily motivated to die for us not so that He could gain us but so that we could gain Him, the Glorious God whom we so desperately need.  It is His great delight to be Awesome God to us.

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Rick Astle · March 22, 2012 at 7:32 pm

I have just published a book entitled, “What Motivates God?” in which I suggest that God is motivated by His commitment to being a perfect Father. The book presents eight manifestations of the Father’s heart, and describes practical ways in which believers, families and churches can express them.

It will be released mid-April, 2012 and you can get information on how to obtain a copy from my website if you are interested. Blessings to you. Rick Astle

    tami · March 23, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    Thank you for your comment, Rick. I agree. The Father is devoted to the Son, and the Son is devoted to the Father. This absolute devotion is the real kernel of holiness, I think; “separation from what does not belong” is the first layer, but the inner core is “devotion to what does belong.” Many Christians understand the concept of separation from sin, but fail to devote fully themselves to God, and so never enter into the intimacy of holiness.
    I have a special appreciation for your burden for Haiti. May the light of Christ continue to penetrate the darkness there and set the captives free.
    Blessings to you and your ministry, Tami

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